Jupiter’s Great Attractor Pivot ~ 5 Aug 2019

On August 11th, Jupiter, from Earth’s point of view, pivots and resumes direct (prograde) motion virtually conjunct the Great Attractor, a massive enigmatic galactic point. The Great Attractor appears as gravitational anomaly in intergalactic space at the center of the local Laniakea Supercluster, in which the Milky Way, our galaxy, is located.

Following the awareness of deviation from uniform expansion of the universe, the location of the Great Attractor - a contributing source to such deviations - was finally determined in 1986 to be 14 Sagittarius 18 (this figure includes the estimated precession from epoch 2000.0). It is situated in the direction of the constellations Triangulum Australe (The Southern Triangle) and Norma (The Carpenter’s Square).

The Great Attractor migrates toward the Shapley Supercluster (a.k.a. the Shapley Attractor): the largest concentration of galaxies in our local universe (centered on Shapley 8 located at 2 Scorpio 37, corrected for estimated precession). Oh, by the way, the Shapley Supercluster distinguishes itself as the most massive cluster of galaxies within a billion light years. With that mass and gravitational drawing power, our galaxy and every galaxy in our corner of the Universe fall into its pull. Note: every galaxy in our “corner of the Universe.”

While this seems incomprehensible, let’s strive for some perspective on the Great Attractor.

As the Sun is the steering mechanism for our planet, the Galactic Center for the Sun, the Super-Galactic Center is for the Galactic Center, the Great Attractor’s gravitational grip steers something in the order of everything 60 mega parsecs (mpc) either side of its core.

The Great Attractor lies in the “Zone of Avoidance,” a region of space where gas and dust create limited optical visibility. However, through x-ray “viewing,” the supercluster that holds at its core the Great Attractor came to our awareness. It is something that is as massive as 1,000 trillion Suns, give or take a few solar masses.

The gravity of the Great Attractor is so intense it warps light around its core. With the bending of light waves, what lies behind the Great Attractor can be seen, albeit in alternate energy frequencies. The Great Attractor emanates in every known electromagnetic energy, possibly in some frequencies yet unknown.

What does this mean to a person? To all of us?

The Great Attractor, and the Shapley Attractor, too, warrant full astrological attention. They often provide insights in personality dynamics lacking in a basic planet profile. They captivate attention even before it is realized attention must be granted. Charisma and drawing power exceed explanation. The “phenom” label or “it factor” is applied to those with natal connections to these points. For transiting purposes, in the moment the inescapable perception is: This is one of those life-altering moments. Pay attention; this is huge.

Given that gravity permits seeing the virtual backyard of the Great Attractor, full disclosure, total transparency, and honest reveals are demanded. Give up the ghost on fabrication and prevarication lest you be disavowed and fade into obscurity or invisibility.

Given emanations in the full energy spectrum, everything is included. Nothing can be excluded without sacrificing the “all” of whatever is under consideration. Consciousness is collective and we’re all part of it individually. The part is to the whole as the whole is to the part.

With the exposure to unlimited energy resources, it is assumed that all knowledge and information are at the fingertips, ready to be articulated from the tip of the tongue to manifest the signals brimming from ones synapses. Expect to be asked questions to which you do not consciously know the answers. If you do not respond with insights, others will feel that you’re holding out on them and turn to those how might be able to make it up on the spot.


It’s actually not making it up on the spot. It’s actually shooting from the hip, which means opening the portal and letting the incoming information stream be spoken in real time. Like a news anchor blindly reading what appears on the Teleprompter or a close captioning device giving voice to words that pass by, communication sans editing in the moment does best. Of course, it’s fair, or perhaps mandatory, to declare that you’re coming off the top of your head. Since it is realized this is one of those times, electronically capture (or write it down, though frustration will occur with the physical speed of cursive capture) the download stream.

While the following image is obviously not a photograph of the Great Attractor or the Shapley Attractor, this portal in the clouds appeared the other night as I was walking the yard at sunset checking out monsoonal activity. I ran inside to grab my camera (yes, a real camera and not a phone) to see if I could capture the visual download. It’s worth a lingering look as an indicator of receptivity to other dimensions.


Soon, we are having Jupiter, the magnificent embellisher conduct his station from retrograde to direct on the degree of the Great Attractor.

The station means to straighten things out once and for all despite the fact the Great Attractor realizes the download might blow fuses on preconceived notions, previously held beliefs and entrenched dogma. Sure there will be some mnemonic defragging required - after the deletion of now contradictory concepts and thought patterns that is.

On 11 August, Jupiter stations at about a quarter of an arc degree of separation. Or as most astrologers would put it, a tight orb. At least temporarily Jupiter inherits the energetic properties of the Great Attractor, amplifies them as he is inclined to do with all things, then beams the insights and properties to us. Whether tuning in or not, the influence remains inescapable. So what are you going to do? Given who is involved, go railroad crossing warning. Stop. Look. Listen.

Jupiter, being the curious opportunist he is, often asks questions prior to engaging promising pursuits, mostly in the interest of resetting tripped breakers, gluing broken thoughts together, and making a coherent picture from the puzzle and mastering the maze. He’s likely to ask:

When you pray, what do you believe will be the outcome will be? Not consciously, mind you, but subconsciously, in a place where invisible psychic forces thrive.

When you affirm yourself, your actions, your purpose, how confident are you the affirmations stick? Are these utterances good for your soul or what?

What sorts of promises do you make to yourself about a better life and what do you think the odds are of life-altering, karma-enhancing, destiny-driving results will be?

Is there really enough to go around and is the Universe ever-abundant? How much do you care if you get yours?

What do you know in this instant that you did not realize you knew prior to this act of self-interrogation?

Is there room for what you have to offer out there in life? Silly question. Ask it, hear the silly answer, move on.

Know your endgame. Destination is part of the plan. Did you come this far only to be where you are?

Sure, use the runway you have available. How else do you expect to get airborne?

Truth is truth. And there is truth according to the divine. Distortions of truth used to excuse actions and justify behavior comes with consequence.

Bottom line: This is one of those times. Anyone can access the profound. Anyone can invoke the insights of consciousness for real world successes.

Sure the Jupiter station lasts but a short time. With Jupiter’s passages you have maybe a week to grab the goodies. More prompts to recall the significance of this station will come our way soon.

Ceres comes to the Great Attractor on 1 October. If you ask for the truth, handle it when it shows up and then get behind purely directed insights as one of their greatest advocates.

Mars aligns with the Great Attractor on 23 Jan 2020. No more waiting. No excuses. Click on the “Start” button. There’s no time like then to engage the input of what’s coming in now. Mark your calendars. That’s when the freshly poured concrete of the new year can support weight.

More soon.